Saturday 4 July 2009

changes afoot

i know i rarely come on here. I use blogger on a daily basis but to read the blogs that i enjoy.
Well all change here in the next few weeks. We're in the process of buying a house and getting very close to moving. I can't wait to have my own home again, one that i can paint and put shelves up. Living in rented accomodation when you have spent all your adult life in a property you own is hard, especially when your landlord doesn't want you to make any changes to the property. I'm also looking forward to finally having a garden that is mine so that i can make a start on providing some food for us and can have the garden how i want it. The garden here is in a state to be honest but the only way to rectify it would be to rip it all out and start's not my garden so i can't and i'm not inclined to anyway lol.

So when i finally move, i will have to figure out how to put photos on this blogger so i can chart the process of us making the new house our family home......

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